A Suicidal State of Mind – Robin Williams Last Thoughts

11 years ago

The decision to kill yourself does not have to be a long ordeal, sometimes the decision to die and execution…

Ladies, Men Do Stupid Things

11 years ago

Us men do stupid things. We end up destroying a marriage or serious relationship by blaming the other person for…

Everybody Wants to Change the World

11 years ago

Everybody wants to change the world, everybody wants to be remembered, everybody wants to leave their mark, achieve greatness, do…

5 Ways Extremists End up Alone

11 years ago

Being an extremist is a surefire way to burn a lot of bridges and piss a lot of people off.…

Wayne Dyer on Happiness, The Alley Cat Story

11 years ago

Wayne Dyer has a lot of quotes and sayings about happiness and getting there. One of his most memorable quotes…

McDonalds Would Have to Fire Over 500,000 Employees to Afford a Minimum Wage of $13

11 years ago

There’s been a lot of talk circulating about raising the minimum wage to something around $13 an hour. I’ve heard…

How to Tell if Someone is Faking It or Making It

11 years ago

After years of studying and observing the rich and poor looking for differences between the two groups I’ve noticed one…

The Meaning of Not a Bad Thing by Justin Timberlake

11 years ago

Both men and women that have been through tough relationships end up feeling like they aren't worthy of being loved. The…

Southwest Flight Attendant Comedian Fired

11 years ago

Thanks and no thanks to social media giants like youtube and facebook, the Southwest Airlines Flight attendant video that went…

When Your Best Isn’t Good Enough

11 years ago

What happens when you've done your best but your best just isn’t good enough for your partner? Some people won’t…