Thomas Van

Super Sluts

Many of you have already had experience with sluts, some more personal than others. Some of us have been married…

7 years ago

The Meaning of Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift

This Taylor Swift music video is so impressive that in its 4 minutes and 15 second run time she manages…

7 years ago

If You Want Something, Go Get It

One thing I’ve learned the hard way in life is that if you really want something, you have to just…

7 years ago

The Unsent Letter

Dear xxxx, I cannot reach you directly, for it would only send me back into a world of insanity that…

8 years ago

The Meaning of Shape of You by Ed Sheeran

Shape of You is a track from the Divide album by Ed Sheeran. It has been pushed around as a…

8 years ago

Heart Goes Numb

How do you pick up the pieces of a relationship you once had? How do you restore the lost love?…

8 years ago

Why The Popular Vote Doesn’t Matter

Some that are not happy with the election results are trying to present the case that the Electoral College isn’t a…

8 years ago

Thou Shalt Not Lie…Sometimes

Over my years I have been exposed to many extenuating circumstances where I honestly felt that being honest was not…

8 years ago

Hiking Can Be Therapeutic

The sudden changes in weather patterns, physical intensity, and elevation make hiking one of the toughest challenges both mentally and…

8 years ago

Only God Can Judge You

If you find yourself saying to others that only “God can judge you” then you probably are well aware that…

8 years ago