Human Psychology

How to Deal with a Narcissist (no bullshit)

When it comes to dealing with Narcissists people are really quick toand avoid them. The majority of these…

2 years ago

Thou Shalt Not Lie…Sometimes

Over my years I have been exposed to many extenuating circumstances where I honestly felt that being honest was not…

8 years ago

Hiking Can Be Therapeutic

The sudden changes in weather patterns, physical intensity, and elevation make hiking one of the toughest challenges both mentally and…

8 years ago

You’re Not That Special

The adversities you face in life were intricately designed for just you. You may think your revelations and transformations are…

9 years ago

Stop Making Excuses, Start Making Progress

The word “excuse” has taken a bad rap and is oftentimes misunderstood. It is frowned upon or even considered offensive…

9 years ago

Facebook Fake

With facebook people can’t wait to tell the world how much fun they’re having. You get to see photos of…

9 years ago

Choice is at the Root of all Unhappiness

Too many choices lead to confusion, unhappiness, and regret. No matter what we decide, we later think about all the…

10 years ago

You Are All Alone

People are infinitely different yet we are able to form relationships with others based on a small number of things…

10 years ago

The 6th Love Language – The Approval of Others

I finally read a book by Dr Gary Chapman called “The 5 Love Languages” first published in 1995, 19 years…

10 years ago

Boredom is Actually a Form of Depression

“Life is never boring but some people choose to be bored. The concept of of boredom entails an inability to…

10 years ago