Categories: Government

The Government Wants The Rich to get Richer

Your government has been hijacked by the rich. This started prior to 1913, as the rich have always wanted to legalize themselves, but it became official with the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. This was followed by income tax in 1916 and an array of social programs that makes people dependent on the government while giving them the illusion that the government is there to help them. The government is only interested in control, and to maintain control, they need your vote — to legalize the rich getting richer — they must have your vote.

Just to think the turning point that led into the American revolution was a tax on some imported tea, the same tax that caused us to throw it off of the ship, boycott it, and go to war with one of the most powerful countries in the world. It wasn’t the tax we went to war over, it was a concept, a belief, a way of thinking — today we have hundreds of taxes far worse, yet we not only drink the tea, but we drink the “governments kool aid” as well.

Don’t ask what would jesus do, but instead, what would the people of Boston Tea Party do if they were alive now?

what the boston tea party was aboutwhat the boston tea party was about

I can see one of them saying, “Income tax? Yeah that’s not ever going to happen.” But more than what they’d say, I can imagine what they’d do. The first person that came to them and told them they needed to give up a portion of their earned income would probably be shot and buried in the back yard, and I don’t rule out the possibility that this is what happened to the first few people that proposed the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax. There are probably some people buried out in the woods that we don’t even know about.

The government spends a lot of money, more than it takes in on revenue, we can thank the Federal Reserve and its ability to print money for this, but where does this money go?

It’s spent on things that are highly profitable, mainly war, welfare, and now healthcare. Health care, or sick care as most call it since it has nothing to do with health, is a huge industry worth trillions of dollars — it only makes sense for the government to want a piece of that pie since war is becoming unpopular — why would they put all their eggs in one basket like they force us to do with social security?

The rest of the money is spent on subsidies, entitlements, or other incentives to buy votes and control you. After All, if you’re a farmer and you depend on subsidies to make a living, the likelihood that you’re going to vote against that government waste is slim to none. The same goes for welfare, food stamps, subsidized health insurance, and more. If you become dependent on this money and these programs, the likelihood you’ll vote someone into office that wants to get rid of these programs is slim to none.

At the end of the day, your vote is secured. Now the government can get on with making the rich richer while at the same time pretending it doesn’t want that to happen.

There are big war contracts to build infrastructure, supply technology, supply weapons, and transport troops. Don’t forget those who build weapons, tanks, airplanes, ships, and even the companies that package those ready made meal plans for the military.

There’s a lot of money being made. Who makes this money?

Lobbyists and friends of politicians with their big companies get these over paid contracts. If you haven’t figured this out yet, these people are the rich, and they are getting richer. Not just by a “little bit” by a “lot a bit”. The gap between the middle class and Americas elite rich has been growing rapidly for the past 100 years.

You may think the solution is government, it’s not, the problem is government — it’s what legalizes this behavior, it’s a big scheme that makes Ponzi jealous. The rich knew that by tapping into our government they could become even richer.

The result is big oil companies getting big money, every now and then some penalty gets passed against a company, but it’s so minor, and it’s done so the general population will shut up. Cigarette companies get taxed, it’s chump change. Who pays the higher cost of cigarettes now? That’s right the consumer, by the way, how do you like your $7 pack of cigarettes?

The healthcare system is a huge industry. Where do you think all of the money is being spent to implement our health care overhaul? Who do you think is making even more money? That’s right, the rich are. I just heard recently the government spent 97 million dollars to build their healthcare website, a job that could have been done for under a million in the private world, and guess what?

Once you’re in the healthcare system you will be dependent on it just like the people taking subsidies and welfare because — ready for this? Your health care premium for the ACA will be paid by taxpayers based on your poverty level. The subsidy scales based on your family size but if you’re a family of four making under 100k a year, part of your health insurance premium will be paid by taxpayers and if you’re below the poverty line, no problem, your premium is all but covered.

Do you know why there is a subsidy? Because the ACA mandates certain coverages, even if there’s no way you could ever use them. Maternity is one of them, what if you don’t have kids or can’t have kids? Too bad, you pay for it. The reason why someone making 100k with a family of four needs a subsidy is because all of these mandatory coverages cost a lot of money, more than they can afford. The premium rates are very high and many people are finally learning that now, even with subsidies, some people have had their monthly rates double.

The result? The less money you make the less likely you’ll be to vote for someone that wants to shut down this program.

Besides the health care tax, the biggest insult of all is not the huge list of other taxes we pay, which is massive, it’s the hidden tax that they don’t tell you about. The hidden tax is found in the Federal Reserve and accounts for more money stolen from the American people than all other taxes combined.

This big tax is called inflation and even using the under reported numbers our own government provides, it is beyond 2000% since 1913. Using their own calculator at I can quickly find out that todays dollar is equivalent to 4 cents in 1913. That means a whopping 96 cents of every dollar from 1913 is missing. They’ve taken over 96% of your wealth without having to tax you at all. All that was required was to print more money making your money worth less. And just to be clear, wages did not rise 2000% since then, so get that out of your head that it all balances out.

Think about it. $42,000 from 1913 is worth the equivalent of 1 million dollars in 2013. Remember when being a millionaire used to be a big deal? Having a million dollars in 1913 is the equivalent of having 23.5 million dollars today. Being a millionaire isn’t as big of a deal as it used to be because our money is worth less, or worthless works too.

Whenever I hear someone say, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer”. My immediate response is, “Duh you asshole, you probably voted to make that process legal.”

Besides, in what reality could you ever stop the rich from getting rich? Even without the help of government you can’t stop them. The rich didn’t get rich by accident, they got rich by having rich thoughts and doing rich things. They took the risk to invest in the stock market, they bought real estate, they saved their money, they ran a business — you can’t stop that with any government, the government depends on these people for its own survival. If you tax them here too heavily, they will leave and go to another country, they will also take all their jobs with them.

The only thing taxes and regulations are currently doing is making it harder for the little guy, the small business owners, to not only get rich, but to even be in business at all. It’s no problem for a rich company to jump through hoops, hire accountants, hire lawyers, and all sorts of other personnel to help them deal with the government regulations. But the small business owner doesn’t have the money to do that, so they have to deal with all of those regulations and accounting things by themselves. This takes away the time and money they can spend on business.

Until we realize what’s going on, we will continue to become more dependent on government while the government gives our money to the rich to provide us with all of the services we require, whether it be health, war, technology, food, and so on.

You have voluntarily made yourself property of the United States Government which has been owned and operated by the rich getting richer, since 1913. In fact, that should be the motto of the government so it stops misleading people.

Thomas Van

Published by
Thomas Van

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