
I’m Not Over You

The major determining factor in whether or not you’re over someone is in whether or not you can talk to…

11 years ago

The Great “A-ha” Moments – Pathway to Enlightenment

As you go through life there will be many times when you either learn something new about the world or…

12 years ago

World of Warcraft Vs Everquest Next Philosophy

I have been playing MMOs for about 16 years now since Everquest 1 was in its earlier stages. I played…

12 years ago

Why I Drove 3000 Miles To Go To A Visionaries Worldwide Event

Some of you may remember Chris saying that when he began not a single person wanted to do this business…

12 years ago

4 Things You Don’t Know About The Top 2 Percent Income Earners

These aren't exactly things you didn't know about the top 2% income earners in America but they seem to be…

12 years ago

Wayne Dyer Quotes & Philosophy – You Might Not See It Even if You Believe It

Some of you may have heard this name before as a lot of people are listening to the latest audios…

13 years ago