Before cross contamination of genes and blood lines and back before travel was so readily available, individual tribes and bands of human cultures and societies grew, adapted, and genetically mutated based off a very precise and central environment without much external influence.
Isolated from other tribes and people, these individual groups evolved since the beginning of human time, whether you consider that to be almost 200,000 years ago or not. Travel was dangerous and unnecessary for most of our history besides the basic movements of nomadic tribes to locate food sources while keeping themselves in the same type of environment.
Very rarely did convoys set out to find other tribes until conquering them and expanding kingdoms became the norm. This may or may not have been as early as 8000 BC making human cross-contamination of hard set evolved and adapted genetics as new as 10,000 years old.
Even still it was usually only done by armies or well supplied groups of people, the world was not in travel mode at this time. Since the development of high speed ships and air travel, cross contamination of gene pools has become more rampant in the last 100 years.
What also has become more rampant in the last 100 years is the spread of chronic illness and disease that were a rarity among these evolved and isolated cultures. This has been largely contributed to the rapid change in our diets and sedentary lifestyle (humans living in captivity) and living in a way that is against our evolved genetic structure.
When you stop to think about the impact a rapidly changing diet and environment has on a rapidly cross contaminated populace you may begin to understand why some diets work well for others to stay healthy but some don’t at all. You can see why everyone says we are all made up differently and our bodies have different requirements. It didn’t used to be this way.
As a human species up until 190,000 years ago it was only the isolated bands of people that had their unique requirements. These diets and requirements did not differentiate among the local populace or community only among other communities of well-adapted humans.
Even in the last 10,000 years genetic pools haven’t been heavily contaminated until the last few thousand years and more importantly the last couple hundred years due to travel and other accommodations.
It is now highly possible and likely for anyone in the world to reproduce with any other person in the world regardless of their genetic origination.
The more cross breeding that comes into play the more varied the stable genetic structure becomes and loses its stability over time until it balances out. Eventually when cross breeding is complete, an evolved and standard human race will emerge that once again has the same genetic requirements as far as dieting and movement go.
Until then we are part of a human experiment filled with trial and error. Survival of the fittest in an unusual sense. Which cross-bred genes of humans will be able to withstand and adapt to the current western diet. The genes that cannot will continue to die and be weeded out by the cancers, heart disease, and other ailments this peculiar circumstance has created among us.
Prior to the transportation era these isolated groups of people had evolved into a super human society.
To complete your genetic dietary requirements you would have to be able to trace back the origin of your genes. Specifically, in what part of the world does each part of you come from and what was the evolved innate diet of those people for the last 190,000+ years.
Did they live off just fish and rice? Did they eat grains? Did they grow potatoes? Did they only have access to elephant meat and certain types of fruits and berries? Did they come from an island where coconuts and bananas were heavily available?
You see, your innate genetic dietary requirements to achieve homeostasis or a state of complete health and well-being based off your genetic pool is largely derived from the origins of your current genetic makeup. The diet and environment these people evolved in for most of the last 200,000 years is very important.
So if you are a mixture of many races and many people, you will find that your body requires and craves completely different foods from that of others in your same current culture because your ancestral cultures are completely different. In America, cross breeding of genetics is probably almost untraceable to its origins.

Pure Blood Theory may be the basis for describing why some people ascertain to become vegetarians, perhaps their ancestral genetic makeup lived in a local community for tens of thousands of years where only nuts and berries were readily available.
Some people can’t tolerate grains, some can’t eat red meat, some eat only sea food, some prefer dairy, some prefer more vegetables than meat, others prefer to eat more meats than vegetables. What is the proper diet?
Some prefer the warm climate, some have allergies, some prefer seasons, some prefer water, some prefer forest, some prefer mountains, some prefer ocean – did you really think this was all just personal preference?
The answer lies in your genes, not in a food pyramid created in the last one hundred years by lobbyists. You see, no one knows what the right diet is for you. Without performing an extensive genetic analysis to determine your originations, you are stuck in a world of rapidly deteriorating health, rampantly increasing disease, and so much more while we fumble along cross breeding genes that did not evolve together, trying to figure out a diet we never will, and hoping our bodies adapt and mutate before we become extinct or end up as big fat balls with no arms and legs from the movie Wall-E.
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