When people use the word scam it has a few different meanings these days. When it comes to Uforia we will need to address it from all angles. Because Uforia Science is a Multi-level Marketing company it is often confused with Ponzi or Pyramid schemes.
A Ponzi scheme is usually the promise to return your money with some type of gains because they are in some special awesome business where they just need your money to make more money.
But then come to find out, that they are just paying the initial investors with money from new investors to try and legitimize their business and show it works.
The point of this is to get so many people investing under the guise of being legitimate that by the time it “fails” the con artists run off with a lot of money.
Ponzi schemes usually have no real product, therefore since Uforia Science has a real product, their DNA Customized Supplements, we can say for certain that Uforia Science is not a Ponzi or Pyramid scheme.
The next scam metric we must check is about the product and it is two fold: 1) does the product actually work as described and 2) is it overpriced?
The product we need to examine is a genetically formulated nutritional supplement.
Now it is no secret that vitamins and nutrients have a major effect on our health. This is becoming more and more prevalent as preventative medicine, dieting, and supplementing are not only becoming more common, but recommended by the FDA, CDC, and other government agencies (hence the nutritional information labels with daily percentage values.)
The question then becomes, what is the difference between a generic vitamin and a vitamin designed for your genes? Is this a real thing or a clever marketing ploy?
We can quickly rule out that the same amount of daily recommended vitamins will have the same benefit to everyone.
This can be ruled out just based off diets. It is no secret that the same diets do not work for different people. We are all unique.
The reason we have different dietary requirements is that our genetic makeup craves and needs different quantities or sources of vitamins and nutrients.
So when we look at recommended daily percentages on a nutrition label, what we are really looking at is the minimum required nutrition for the average person each day.
But do we really need a genetically tailored supplement?
I mean why not just take an excess of general vitamins?
At least that’s the first thing that came to my mind.
Why pay more money when I can just buy the same cheap vitamins and take more of them?
Well the problem, without knowing how much of each vitamin our body actually needs, is that overdosing on vitamins can be harmful. I took the time to look this up and found an article right off webmd almost immediately.
Here’s a link if you want to read more.
But this further makes the case that a custom made supplement for each person has some merit.
The next question I had is whether or not it’s even possible to make such a thing. So we must now examine the process that Uforia Science uses.
Obviously, you take a DNA test by swabbing your cheek, this is sent into a lab, and then they analyze your Single Nucleotide Poly-morphism for different genetic variations found among people.
Each variation has been “documented” to thrive off of different vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
Then they take that information and run it into their computer algorithm. This algorithm matches your DNA profile to a combination of over 4000 natural vitamins, minerals, and whole foods.
It then selects the best ingredients and distributes them according to your computer generated DNA macro nutrient profile.
And we are left with a DNA tailored supplement to give your body exactly what it needs.
Sounds pretty fancy to me.
In Conclusion
Most of what we know today about nutrition would give credibility to the concept of DNA tailored supplementation.
This type of supplement is new and could very well be the next generation of vitamins. We may get to a point where every vitamin in the future is tailored to our individual unique bodies, only time will tell.
I have no way of knowing what type of health benefits this could have on you. Also, without knowing what they put into your specific formula, it’s impossible to analyze what it would cost to build your own supplement.
I think we can safely say that this type of nutrition won’t hurt and if you’re not currently taking any supplements or getting any nutrition at all, it’s safe to say it will help.
Is it worth the money?
I don’t know that’s going to be up to you but we’ve all spent more money than this on dumb stuff or stuff we didn’t need.
If you had the chance to prevent a chronic illness in the future or feel better now, would you take it?
That’s really what you have to decide if you’re interested in this product although they have a money back guarantee so it’s not like you’re really taking a risk.
I hope this helps, feel free to leave comments.
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