The key feature of Uforia Science is their DNA test, without this test, they wouldn’t be able to produce anything but a standard wholefood supplement.
Human history is somewhat comical, in the days of Hippocrates ~460 BCE – 377 BCE, it wasn’t as much of a mystery that food (diet) was an important aspect in determining one’s health, hence the often quoted “Let food be thy medicine” saying.
We have this whole history of humans not having any chronic preventable diseases for thousands of years (mainly dying from tiger attacks or disease outbreaks), combined with the fact that human genes have not significantly changed in the last 10,000 years, but yet here we are in the industrial age with all sorts of ailments and man-made diseases.

It doesn’t take a genius to see that our diets have changed, and what is actually healthy is severely obscured by food lobbyists and their food pyramids.
Ever wonder about the food pyramid and where it came from?
It’s quite interesting how bread, rice, and pasta sit at the bottom of the pyramid when it was a significantly small portion of our ancestors diets of 10,000 years ago, nor did they even have the technology to grow, harvest, or produce such “food” in any type of mass to make it the core of their diet.
How about dairy?
I haven’t seen too many episodes on the discovery channel about cavemen chasing down wildebeests and milking them.
When you take the food pyramid and what corporate america thinks is a healthy diet and compare it to our origins for the last 10,000 years then plot it on a graph against our deteriorating health and ever growing list of chronic diseases as a species, you start to realize that profits have begun to interfere with our health.
Uforia Genetic Testing
But that’s about enough comedy for one article, the real reason you’re here is to learn about Uforias DNA testing.
Our genes are basically the recipe book for life, as we introduce them to different stressors (environment, diet, etc), they respond accordingly with two primary functions 1) adapt in order to survive and 2) to heal what has been damaged.
If we are ever “not well” it is directly due to a toxicity or a deficiency.
Either something we are getting too much of that we shouldn’t be or something our body needs that it’s not getting enough of. As we continue to pollute our environment and ingest junk food or other garbage, the recipe for life is getting harder and harder to sustain.
Even though our bodies have evolved to adapt as best as they can, the changes of the last few hundred years have been too rampant for a lot of us to handle.
Chronic diseases have grown at an exponential rate as well as the consumption of medicine, yet we are not getting healthier as a species.
It is quite obvious we aren’t doing something right.
To address chronic preventable diseases, researchers began studying the effects of nutrition on our genes as early as 1994 and have found that our diet does indeed have a significant impact on our genetic expression (health).
Basically, there are about 18 genes that have been identified as actionable, meaning they have an impact on your health and the function of your body. The Uforia DNA test is testing these 18 genes for variants.
What is returned to Uforia from the DNA testing facility is a report that will basically indicate how well your body can use particular nutrients effectively.
Sometimes you may need to use an alternative of that nutrient or substitute something else altogether in order to get the variant of your gene to express optimal health.
The goal of Uforia Nutrition is to get the important genes that control things like blood pressure and cholesterol to be at optimal performance so your body has exactly what it needs, especially as you age.
While researching this topic I came across a few negative “reviews” that claim to not be biased.
Upon further investigation I found most of these people doing the reviews fit into one of three categories:
- They were trying to make themselves relevant by trash talking a new product without any substantial backing.
- They were actually promoting another product that competes with Uforia.
- They were click baiting you into clicking the title of their review in order to try to sell you Uforia.
However, I felt that it would be worthwhile to at least address some of the points they brought up as some people may not have taken the time to investigate.
One that really bothered me was that one post claimed that Uforia is bad because it only takes into account your DNA and disregards your age and other factors.
While they did a good job of not listing what “other factors” are they seemed to have forgotten that there are a lot of people who take no vitamins at all and of the people that do take vitamins or supplements most of them are taking generic “one-a-days”.
That would mean the majority of the population is not currently addressing DNA, Age, or “other factors” at all.
So to say a product is bad because it addresses something 99% of the people aren’t is kind of misleading.
However, Uforia does have a base nutrition built into every formula that covers all of the general vitamins that can be used for “age” or “other factors” whatever those may be, while considering what your body actually needs based off your DNA, but too bad this reviewer didn’t actually do any research.

The second thing that’s commonly misunderstood is the notion that: “MLMs are pyramid or ponzi schemes.”
This is typically not true for almost any MLM.
While a ponzi scheme can be an MLM an MLM is not usually a ponzi scheme.
To be clear, a Ponzi scheme typically has no product whatsoever and involves affiliates recruiting people for their money while promising some non-existent product or service and then having the people they recruit do the same so the money comes to the top of the pyramid while concealing the fact it’s a complete scam.
This is often seen in “secret” investment strategies that only a “few special select” people can get in on for a limited time.
You give them money, they’ll even pay you your promised returns the first 1 or 2 times, just to try to get you to put all of your money into it, and then suddenly they disappear or get “shut down” and find a way not to give you your money back.
Uforia is not illegal nor is it a ponzi scheme, simply because there’s an actual product that you are purchasing. It is an MLM but as I said above, a Ponzi scheme is something entirely different all by itself.
I will try to address more of these points and do a full review of Uforia in the next article, so keep checking back.
Be sure to check out our previous post: Uforia Nutrition: Is it right for you?
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