DNA based genetic nutrition is quickly gaining traction in the marketplace but is it more than a fad?
You’re probably here wondering what all the hype is about and whether or not you should be considering taking these new types of supplements. And since you’re at this specific page you’ve no doubt heard about Uforia Science and it’s DNA based nutritional products.
There are a lot of evidence based studies that show how important it is to make sure you are getting your essential vitamins and nutrients. Most chronic diseases (the things we die from the most) are almost entirely preventable.
The Center for Disease control has even acknowledged this right on their website:
If the government is willing to admit that your diet has a lot to do with your health then it might be time for you to start paying attention as well.
The next question you might have is what does it mean to eat well?
To keep things simple, eating well basically means getting enough of what your body needs while limiting that which your body does not need (apple vs the donut) type of things.

While there is a lot of debate on what is healthy and what isn’t (a concept that used to be simple before food lobbyists existed) — it would surely be outside the scope of this article.
However, there is very little debate on the fact that your body needs vitamins and minerals to stay healthy (unless you’re a pharmaceutical company and profit off sickness).
Nutrition Labels
So let’s talk about reading nutritional labels where the % of daily value for each nutrient is listed on almost every product sold in stores.
Most people don’t realize that the % of daily value is quite literally the recommended amount the AVERAGE body needs.
How many people are smack dab in the middle…average?
Did you respond with no one or no one?
Then you’d be correct.
This makes it entirely possible and likely that if you took 100% of the recommended daily value of every vitamin that you could very easily not get the amount that you need for YOUR body, or worse, you could get too much of something you don’t need.
The recommended daily value, is by definition, just a guideline.
Each of our bodies are uniquely different and need a different amount of vitamins and minerals.
But we must also consider the absorption rate of our cells.
Believe it or not, our bodies don’t all absorb nutrients at the same rate, largely due to Omega balances in our cells and other factors.
So if we take 100% of one vitamin we may be shocked to discover that our body has only absorbed half of that.
It’s like people that are out in the sun all the time but go to the doctor and find out that they are low on Vitamin D, how is that possible?
Simple answer, absorption rates.
This is one of the many reasons why DNA based nutrition is quickly becoming popular.
But don’t just take my word for it, hit up the studies if you’d like, here’s an interesting one to get your brain started:
An Increase in the Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio Increases the Risk for Obesity –https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4808858/ –
What else determines your absorption rate?
If you said the quality of the source of the nutrient, then you are light years ahead of everyone else.
Generic vitamins made with cheap ingredients will almost certainly be harder to absorb than a high quality whole food supplement.
Good vitamins and whole food supplements can be somewhat expensive but the reality is you might actually be saving money because you’re absorbing a significantly higher ratio.
It has been known for the longest of time that food was the key to health and wellness. If you think about it, food is the fuel for our body. If you put junk in you won’t get optimal performance.
“There are only two reasons you will not be well, toxicity and deficiency.” ~ Dr James Chestnut
Absorption is a science in itself, take a look at how some of these common minerals are absorbed if you are interested:
Feel free to skip if you’d like, but the point is there are a lot of things that go on behind the scenes where your body needs to be ready to receive the nutrients you try to give it — otherwise everyone taking a generic one a day vitamin would never get sick.
Because Uforia is using plant based ingredients and whole foods, they are going to cost more than synthetic vitamins or other low grade vitamins that you find in most stores.
Unfortunately, the “average” person doesn’t take their health seriously until something happens to them or happens to someone they care about.
What’s the lesson to be learned?
Don’t try to be the average person.
Would you spend $5 a day on yourself to get the proper nutrition and increase your chances of avoiding chronic diseases or are you not worth $5 a day?
Will you just keep your generic vitamins or no vitamins at all and take the risk?
If you choose not to get something like Uforia you should still try to satisfy your genetic nutritional requirements, once you do, you may be amazed at how much better you start to feel.
If you bought all of the whole foods yourself and just blanketed yourself with nutrients it would probably cost a lot of time and money. You’d probably end up getting stuff you don’t really need and not getting enough of something else you really need.
Uforia appears to have solved this problem with their customized DNA nutritional supplement.
One way or the other, I highly recommend you get your body proper nutrition — whether you use Uforia or not.
So far I’ve heard a lot of good things from the people who have used Uforia.
Please feel free to share your story below in the comments!
Check out: The Uforia DNA Test – Everything You Need to Know
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