Some of you may remember Chris saying that when he began not a single person wanted to do this business with him, for months he went at it alone. I realized when he said that, that I was one of those people. Chris had told me about the business and what he was doing right in the beginning.
My reasoning for not doing the business, besides the fact I was already making good money, can be found in my philosophy. I didn’t mind how the payment system worked but being a naturopath with my then current wife, the products were just not the quality we felt comfortable with giving to other people.
So we turned down this opportunity again and again.
To date I have never used or sold any product. And amazingly enough no one has tried to recruit me into the business even though I’ve attended two big events (Miami and Dallas) and a smaller one in Detroit. I think Ryan gave me a couple multivitamins that you mix into water in Miami, but that’s the extent of my use.
As time passed my facebook started to become flooded with lose 8-15 lbs in 8 days. It wasn’t hard to figure out which people were starting the business. And instead of remaining passive and neutral, instead I got annoyed.
Anytime I would see a post I would comment on the post. If I wasn’t talking about how overly priced the supplements were I was talking about how ordinary they were and that you could get higher quality supplements for less money at a natural health store or online.
Scam, rip off, and many other things were said toward these products. I frequently attacked the posts just because they were spamming and marketing through facebook repetitively. It got to the point where people who were promoting this product would just unfriend me.
No matter how hard I tried I just couldn’t justify selling the products myself knowing that they were something I would never use because they weren’t pure enough for me. On top of that, there wasn’t a good way to sell the product the way I wanted to across the Internet.
Finally, after years, I got to explore the opportunity. So what changed?
The main thing that changed that allowed me to explore this business was actually the process of divorce. Once I detached myself from my naturopathic and controlling wife, I began to be able to do things on my own for the first time in a long time, besides make all the money.
This lead me to two important realizations which reshaped my paradigm completely.
- The product served as a gateway to a healthier lifestyle
- Visionaries Worldwide served as a gateway to a better life
My philanthropic ways and beliefs made it so I wanted to help everyone live a healthier lifestyle. I wanted them to get the highest quality supplements and be on a proper diet. In my studies I have determined at this point that the genetically congruent diet for a healthy lifestyle lies in the paleolithic diet (caveman diet).
The reason I chose this is because not only did our ancestors not suffer from many of the chronic illnesses we have today, but tribes living in the wild to date still do not have anywhere near the rates of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease we have, especially in America. They are doing something right.
Their diets; minus the air, water, and land pollution that we gave them, are paleolithic and they work well for them. Many of them able to hike 20 miles while in their 100s (if they aren’t killed by a tiger first).
There is plenty of research on this but my point is I would never recommend anyone eat anything that isn’t organic, free-range, or raw depending on what it is. No dairy, GMOs, or grains either. The products at hand fell way short of this criteria.
That’s when I realized that these products can serve as a gateway to a healthier lifestyle.
Sure, it may not be the best, but I decided it’s better than eating fast food and junk all day. And with the product people would start to make healthier choices and eat better. This could obviously be used as a stepping stone to promote a paleolithic diet.
The second thing I realized is that by joining visionaries you were doing more than just selling product. You were becoming part of a team. A team with a lot of resources, a lot of motivation, and a lot of inspiration. A team with a lot of knowledge and a team to help you become successful. Visionaries Worldwide is a stepping stone to a better and more prosperous life. Whether you want success, fame, fortune, or something else; it can all be found in this company.

To me this is the best of both worlds.
It goes without saying that anyone can make a picture and write a story. I’ve been watching and reading all of your testimonials for years. Saved your life? Changed your life? Made you a lot of money? Gave you freedom? Let you travel?
Who cares, you’re just a picture with some text. I thought surely these people don’t really exist or if they do their stories must be exaggerated for marketing effect.
It wasn’t until I started to meet everyone in person that it finally sank in — these are real people with real stories. There’s magic in meeting and seeing people. There’s magic in hearing their voice and listening to them tell you their story, it’s mesmerizing.
Chris has been doing MLM and other businesses for as long as I can remember. He was once doing this long distance phone plan MLM that he got me to sign up for while I was in the Army. He’s taken his lumps, made his mistakes, and came out on top as the wise leader he is today.
Like any great leader he wasn’t born into success, he made himself into a success. Anyone of you can do what he’s done, as a matter of fact, he’s willing to show you how. You have the advantage he never had and some may not even realize it yet.
You’re on the doorstep of greatness — knock three times and enter!
It’s not about a product and it’s not about making money. It’s about you and your team. Visionaries Worldwide will be a success no matter where it goes or what it sells. It doesn’t even need the name Visionaries Worldwide because without you it’s nothing.
Think of how powerful this group is. If Visionaries sold girl scout cookies, it would set record high sales for them in the first year, making a bunch of little girls cry when they’re fired — turn in your uniform, your badge, your hat, your little red wagon, and get the f*ck out of my office!
So why did I drive 3000 miles round trip when I don’t sell a product or participate in the business?
Why did I fly to Miami in January and sleep on a couch cushion on the floor?
I did it to meet all of the great people in Visionaries and to be a part of something great. Everyone inspires me. I like to surround myself with positive like-minded people. And that is why I go to these events.
Thank you for having me!
Tom …. Your are a Riot! … Love having you on Board!