Many of you have already had experience with sluts, some more personal than others. Some of us have been married to them or tried dating them thinking we could change them only to fail, sometimes over and over again.
Perhaps there exists an antidote to the slut condition besides large quantities of dick but I have found no such cure. If anyone out there has actually cured a slut, not through the cult workings of Jesus Christ or a religious type of avenue, I invite you to please share your story with us.
We’ve all seen bar sluts and church sluts and slut sluts. We’ve all met Jekyll and Hyde sluts and know exactly what conditions turn them into a slut. These are known sluts which is not the topic we are going to address. What I want to address is special sluts or I refer to them as “Stage 5 Super Sluts” or “Super Sluts” for short.
Super Sluts are a unique breed. Typically they have a mental disorder, a drug addiction, or daddy issues. Sometimes they have all three. Like a tropical storm rating, sluts range from stages 1 to 5. And just like a tropical storm, involving a stage 5 slut in your life is like trying to sail a rowboat into a category 5 hurricane, all that’s left is catastrophic death and destruction.
You may never recover entirely from a Super Slut.
Super Sluts are real life versions of the folklore Succubus. They are modern day semen collectors or cum dumpsters if you prefer that term. They crave dick and anything that gets close to them will be sucked right in like a dick vacuum.
Super Sluts are often telling more than one person at a time that they are in a committed relationship with them. Like a typical cheater or a shady bitch, they normally don’t invite their “significant others” to family events or around a lot of their friends.
They tend to take advantage of their partner for certain things while using sexual activity as a way to have that be overlooked all while generating seemingly legitimate feelings that they are in love with you.
They are so fake in nature that they can spontaneously create feelings for someone on the spot and make them believe they are real, this is what differentiates them from the typical whores who have no feelings and will do sexual things for money or services.
They are rarely honest, but in some way they are dysfunctionally honest where you can never tell if they think they are being real. Maybe later on they just had a severe case of bipolar or mental disorder that makes them see like they were lying.
They tend to live in the moment and have no future ambition or goals. They oftentimes do not have a job and live off welfare and/or other government services.
In one day they can switch boyfriends entirely. They will even stay the night at your house and leave and go right to their other boyfriends house and stay the night there the next day all while making excuses to you about how they fell asleep, their phone broke, or they were just tired.
They are very hard to catch in the act and they lie so much that you’re always on the brink of thinking they’re fucking someone else or in many cases fucking many “elses”.
If you ever feel this way about your partner, it is probably a good idea to follow your gut intuition and just assume it’s happening, it will save you time and misery later on.
Some other ways to identify as to whether or not you’re seeing or dating a super slut is if they become defensive about their “privacy”. When Super Sluts feel like you’re onto them they’ll accuse you of things they’re already doing — like cheating or lying. They’ll make up scenarios where you’re spying on them or talking to people they know.
They put you on the defensive for things you aren’t doing to distract you from what is actually happening.
They also tend to play the victim. They are “always” struggling and suffering and it’s everyone else’s fault but theirs. They have sad stories and try to take advantage of you to help them out. But it seems no matter how much you do for them they are rarely appreciative and it rarely helps them out of anything.
They may even have a long criminal history and constantly repeat the same errors over and over again. If you step out of their lives you’ll find them under the same rock as where you left them.
So far you’ve probably guessed that this is mostly about female super sluts. Male Super Sluts exist but have different traits.
For example, when your girlfriend is out at the bar and runs out of money and fucks a dude in the back room for a drink, you can rest assured the dude is also a super slut.
Male Super Sluts usually have things to offer Female Super Sluts temporarily, but they are so in tune and harmony than they already know it’s a game. In some weird way it basically becomes a sex exchange without feelings being involved. Whether it’s $20, a drink, or listening to a sad story, or helping with some other minor problems — you can rest assured they are fucking.
This is one easy way to find Male Super Sluts just by following the activities of the Females.
However there also exists a Demonic Creature in male form that just doesn’t bang Super Sluts. These are the men that are normally called Narcissistic, verbally and physically abusive, and you can pretty much go onto FaceBook right now find someone complaining about their ex man and then fill in your own stereotypes about them.
Always remember the key difference between a Slut and a Super Slut has little to do with sexual activity but more so in what the person they’re fucking believes and if there are feelings involved. People that fuck the shit out of other people that don’t get feelings involved are just regular sluts. People that fuck for services or money are whores.
But people that fuck the shit out of other people and fuck for services and money all while telling a special someone they love them and they are committed is what it means to be a Super Slut.
By all means , share your stories and experiences below, I’d love to hear them.
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