This is a very touching song that can have a lot of meanings. It goes beyond relationships and into something much deeper — the regrets, worries, and significance of separation from a loved one.
Being separated from a good friend, family member, or significant other whether it’s from death, a breakup, or a fall out is one of the most traumatizing experiences we go through in life.
This song will resonate with a lot of people for different reasons. The versatility of the meaning of this song is simply impressive although most people that hear it will reflect on their relationship with a loved one.
Say something, I’m giving up on you
I’ll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere I would’ve followed you
Say something, I’m giving up on you
At first hearing this makes me think of a fall out in a relationship or a bad breakup where the person is trying to get the other person to speak up and be honest with them. They are indicating that they could have been more than just a spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend but rather a soulmate, someone to spend the rest of their lives with which is encapsulated in the meaning of “I’ll be the one”.
The third line is what makes this song versatile. It’s a promise that you would have followed this person to the end of the earth. It’s a line that reflects deep commitment and acknowledgement of your true purpose in life.
The third line can be taken away from just a breakup and relationship and translate into meaning that the breakup wasn’t by their own fault. This could be from a car accident or a death from old age. This picture is further illustrated in the music video when the old man says goodbye to his wife which is laying in a hospital bed presumably dead.
I don’t want to take away from this song but the promise reminds me of a scene in Lord of the Rings, fast forward to 1:01 if you want to watch it, but Aragorn clasps Frodo’s hand and says, “I would have gone with you to the end…to the fires of Mordor.” After he says this they are ambushed and Aragorn puts his life on the line to allow Frodo to escape safely by single handedly facing the ambush.
Whether or not you like Lord of the Rings is insignificant, the message sent in just the line “Anywhere I would’ve followed you” is one of the most powerful emotional phrases that can be expressed in our day and age.
And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all
This is an attempt to demonstrate that they are lost in their actions and thoughts. The situation is too big for them and they don’t know how to handle it or what to do about it. This expression could mean that they are starting to own up to what went wrong and after realizing they may have potentially lost their true soul mate, they are nothing anymore.
Just a scared little kid facing the world alone with no one by their side, no offense to little kids.
And I will stumble and fall
I’m still learning to love
Just starting to crawl
In this segment they are admitting to their mistakes, not only that they made mistakes, but that there will be more. Life is a learning experience, so are love and relationships. In the entirety of experience and knowledge on this subject they are comparing themselves to an infant that is just learning to crawl which reaffirms they have a great deal more to learn. This is a companion illustration to bring a visual to the previous lyrics.
And I will swallow my pride
You’re the one that I love
And I’m saying goodbye
The versatility of the song fades away here in the first line. Swallowing your pride means you are letting go of your ego. Ego’s are responsible for being right and justified with your words and actions. This means that even though he may feel he was still right, he no longer cares, and is valuing the other person over their ego. He is now humbled and willing to admit that they were the one all along.
The last line and I’m saying goodbye brings back the song versatility because saying goodbye is a final ending which can correlate to death. While at the same time, saying goodbye means that you’ve accepted the breakup and you’re ready to move forward. It simply has multiple meanings.
Like I said, the song has many meanings, I believe it was primarily written around relationships and breakups, but when you hear how beautiful the music and lyrics go together it can cause you to apply this song to many more things in your life.
If you want to get philosophical, envision the song being a memoir to yourself and the entire song written in the perspective of you talking to yourself and getting rid of an old you.
Or imagine that it’s written not toward a person but letting go of a bad habit such as drugs.
A very versatile and brilliantly written song indeed.
If you haven’t watched the video please take a moment to do so:
This might be weird but I had a gorgeous black and white fluffy perfect cat that I found starving in the orchards back in 2011. He ended up being part of our family, and right away he connected with my fiancé. This cat slept by us and was the king of the castle. He was the best most wonderful healthiest We have ever had. And a rare cat condition ; on December 6, 2013 he had one choking accident from his cat kibble. This was right before I had to go to work and story short when it up taking him to the vet and I was giving him CPR and breaths as we drove to the vet. He was declared dead after we took them in. That night this song played a few times and I wondered why. The lyrics express so much of what I know now. First verses: to me explain my cat zee was taking to me and I was taking to him through this song- say something I’m giving up on you meaning for me I don’t know whether I should stop trying to give you CPR. I’ll be the one if you want me to : meaning- I will cope with your master (my fiancé) and handle this for him. The anywhere lyrics state that I did love this cat and I will follow him although he loved and dedicated his loyalty to my fiancé. Next lyrics about feeling so small bc I felt like that moment was over our heads why the hell didn’t we know how to give our cat CPR?!? Hell we know how to do it for humans!!! Saying goodbye to a cat we loved is still too tough to live with. It’s too hard to say goodbye. I’m sorry that I couldn’t do right by you zee. I would have do anything and given anything to have you here with us. 2 years wasn’t enough
You made that cat the happiest it ever was. Take joy in that! I’m so sorry you lost a family member, but I’m happy to know there are still people out there like you. Keep on keepin on
This is a beautiful story. I can relate to this. Being a pet lover over anything else in life, I have had my share of situations with pets where songs take on new meaning to me based on tragedies, happy moments, etc… love doesnt have to between two people and I believe some of the most powerful and impactful relationships we have in life can often be between a human and their pet (s). I am sorry for your loss but am happy for you that you had such a meaningful relationship with this little creature whose life, though not long, was made better because of your care and love. You have made my night with this story, sad as it is.
Thank you for being a good person.
I love this…… Your story
Kelly, I have a 22 year old kitty. Her name is Booboo. I play this song for her. For us. Everyday. Why? Because she says more to me in her purrs than most humans say/have ever said to me in their words. She is declining now and it’s hard for her to “say” as much. But she will crawl to me (as weak as she is) and find me in my home (even with her dementia) and she will…purr. I am sorry for your loss of Zee. I can’t fathom live without Booboo. I sometimes ask God to let me go with her. For us to fall asleep in my bed and us not wake up. Together. I love life. I just can’t imagine my life without my “child” in it. 2 decades and 2 years together. Say Something? I’d say, that’s a long time to be without her when she goes. Even typing this…hurts beyond hurt, as she let’s out a tiny almost inaudible purr…:( (tears).
This might be weird but I had a gorgeous black and white fluffy perfect cat that I found starving in the orchards back in 2011. He ended up being part of our family, and right away he connected with my fiancé. This cat slept by us and was the king of the castle. He was the best most wonderful healthiest We have ever had. And a rare cat condition ; on December 6, 2013 he had one choking accident from his cat kibble. This was right before I had to go to work and story short when it up taking him to the vet and I was giving him CPR and breaths as we drove to the vet. He was declared dead after we took them in. That night this song played a few times and I wondered why. The lyrics express so much of what I know now. First verses: to me explain my cat zee was taking to me and I was taking to him through this song- say something I’m giving up on you meaning for me I don’t know whether I should stop trying to give you CPR. I’ll be the one if you want me to : meaning- I will cope with your master (my fiancé) and handle this for him. The anywhere lyrics state that I did love this cat and I will follow him although he loved and dedicated his loyalty to my fiancé. Next lyrics about feeling so small bc I felt like that moment was over our heads why the hell didn’t we know how to give our cat CPR?!? Hell we know how to do it for humans!!! Saying goodbye to a cat we loved is still too tough to live with. It’s too hard to say goodbye. I’m sorry that I couldn’t do right by you zee. I would have do anything and given anything to have you here with us. 2 years wasn’t enough
You made that cat the happiest it ever was. Take joy in that! I’m so sorry you lost a family member, but I’m happy to know there are still people out there like you. Keep on keepin on
I’m sorry for your loss
I am sure that he will be glad that you guys saved him and made him part of your family. He was “loved”.. by you.
I hope you feel better by the time you read this comment.
This is a beautiful story. I can relate to this. Being a pet lover over anything else in life, I have had my share of situations with pets where songs take on new meaning to me based on tragedies, happy moments, etc… love doesnt have to between two people and I believe some of the most powerful and impactful relationships we have in life can often be between a human and their pet (s). I am sorry for your loss but am happy for you that you had such a meaningful relationship with this little creature whose life, though not long, was made better because of your care and love. You have made my night with this story, sad as it is.
Thank you for being a good person.
It’s not what I think…It’s what I know. I sent this text, “Say something…..I’m giving up on you.”, to the one and only man that I have ever felt this exact way with. A couple of weeks later, there was this new song on the radio called “Say Something”. ….Talk about deep?~~Oh YEAH! It’s the exact meaning. When I heard the song for the first time, I was in awe and much disbelief at the same time. I couldn’t believe that I was hearing my exact words, and feeling all of those emotions, and I knew the meaning of the song right then…. The most suprising, most brilliantly created promise ring!!!
It’s not what I think…It’s what I know. I sent this text, “Say something…..I’m giving up on you.”, to the one and only man that I have ever felt this exact way with. A couple of weeks later, there was this new song on the radio called “Say Something”. ….Talk about deep?~~Oh YEAH! It’s the exact meaning. When I heard the song for the first time, I was in awe and much disbelief at the same time. I couldn’t believe that I was hearing my exact words, and feeling all of those emotions, and I knew the meaning of the song right then…. The most suprising, most brilliantly created promise ring!!!
I remember listening to this song on repeat in the taxi home from work, after I had just found out my dad had passed away. I felt my heart being ripped apart and to say I was crying was an understatement.
I recently lost my husband of 8 yrs,on October 5,2013, I’m now a 35 yr old widow,now having to raise our 5 yr old daughter alone!I’m the one that found him dead in bed(massive heart attack ),& then when this song came out. . .WOW. It seemed to have said everything to my late husband that i longed to or couldn’t find the words myself!!!I thank God everyday. that he allowed me to experience that kind of love that many pple don’t experience in their lifetime!!I miss u Chris,& our daughter & i cry for u literally every single day!!
R.I.P. Chris McQuade 1977-2013
Halfpint, I am so sorry for your loss. my prayers are with you and your family.
I’m sorry for your loss, although at times the words may sound empty, not here. I lost my wife Julie 23 months ago. Married at 21 and 39 years together.
During a morning walk today I heard “Say Something” on iTunes Radio for the first time. it took me back to that day in the hospital. Then I watched the video, OMG.
Right after she died, I saw Regina Spektor’s performance of ‘How’, on Leno. So true.
Once again so sorry.
I see that you guys really loved each other. And that is indeed beautiful. I just prayed for you and your family. May God bless your heart and help you heal..
People used to tell me that “I was way too young to be having this kind of Love,” I was 17 years old when I felt the Love of my Life leave this world. I literally felt half of me die when he did. That I was in 1993. I hadn’t felt that way until 2014. But there isn’t a day that passes that I don’t think about him. I’ll always Love him and my husband doesn’t mind sharing my heart with him. That’s how I know that he was sent to me by my 1st Love!!!!
I recently lost my husband of 8 yrs,on October 5,2013, I’m now a 35 yr old widow,now having to raise our 5 yr old daughter alone!I’m the one that found him dead in bed(massive heart attack ),& then when this song came out. . .WOW. It seemed to have said everything to my late husband that i longed to or couldn’t find the words myself!!!I thank God everyday. that he allowed me to experience that kind of love that many pple don’t experience in their lifetime!!I miss u Chris,& our daughter & i cry for u literally every single day!!
R.I.P. Chris McQuade 1977-2013
Halfpint, I am so sorry for your loss. my prayers are with you and your family.
I’m sorry for your loss, although at times the words may sound empty, not here. I lost my wife Julie 23 months ago. Married at 21 and 39 years together.
During a morning walk today I heard “Say Something” on iTunes Radio for the first time. it took me back to that day in the hospital. Then I watched the video, OMG.
Right after she died, I saw Regina Spektor’s performance of ‘How’, on Leno. So true.
Once again so sorry.
I see that you guys really loved each other. And that is indeed beautiful. I just prayed for you and your family. May God bless your heart and help you heal..
I had a dog called elvis i got him when I was 4 years old i am now 12 he was nine when he died and i miss him so much he died in March 2014 Mother’s Day and every time i listen to this song i just burst into tears he was so ill he bled out he had cancer,we took him too the vets but he wouldn’t get up off the floor to go to the vets but finally he got up and i said goodbye to him and I was hoping that he would come back the next day and he didn’t.he was a lovely dog that had black fur and a white patch on his chest he would always snore and always energetic. I hope he is doing good up where he is now and i know that is a better place for him.
When I was 7, my aunt found a black kitten in a cow pen in her farm. She took him to my house and when I got home from school, she and my mom told me to look in the bathroom, and the kitten was there. He was mine, and I named him Mittens, even though he was jet black. Anyway, he stayed with us for two years, living outside through the winters and everything. ( he had to stay outside because he was a boy and boy cats pee and we were renting.) he had a cute little blue hut, with small little stairs going inside. There was a wall and you had to turn right to see the inside, so no wind could reach the part where he slept. He was the best pet ever, and he acted like a dog sometimes, and he would run up to me when I went out to feed him and would lick my face and purr real loud, and he would dig holes and prance around the yard. And occasionally he would crawl under the hole in the fence and explore, but always came back before dark. But one day I came home from school to play with him, and he wasn’t there. I thought he was just exploring like he did, but the next day he still hadn’t returned. My momma said he’d be back, but he never did. Before I knew it, my family had to move to El Paso, and he wasn’t with us. Luckily, I had another rescued cat named daisy, and my best friend Jacob and I had found, but it wasn’t the same. I still have nightmares about Mittens finding his way back to my house, and we’re not there. I cry for him to come back every time I hear this stupid song, and I pray for him to come back to me every night, even though it’s been 5 years. So that’s my story. Love you Mittens. Please come back.
That’s so sad! I’m so sorry
Omg I didnt read this til after I already commented on another story above of another person relating to this song over a pet. Please read it, my words are for you too!
Elisabetta Something simular happend to me a few years back, I remeber playing this song when my dog died, This song is so much more than just a song, It brings back memories sad times even years later, Losing a pet is one of the worst things never forget those pets who were lost think about them everyone now and then, think about life then and life now
I had a dog called elvis i got him when I was 4 years old i am now 12 he was nine when he died and i miss him so much he died in March 2014 Mother’s Day and every time i listen to this song i just burst into tears he was so ill he bled out he had cancer,we took him too the vets but he wouldn’t get up off the floor to go to the vets but finally he got up and i said goodbye to him and I was hoping that he would come back the next day and he didn’t.he was a lovely dog that had black fur and a white patch on his chest he would always snore and always energetic. I hope he is doing good up where he is now and i know that is a better place for him.
When I was 7, my aunt found a black kitten in a cow pen in her farm. She took him to my house and when I got home from school, she and my mom told me to look in the bathroom, and the kitten was there. He was mine, and I named him Mittens, even though he was jet black. Anyway, he stayed with us for two years, living outside through the winters and everything. ( he had to stay outside because he was a boy and boy cats pee and we were renting.) he had a cute little blue hut, with small little stairs going inside. There was a wall and you had to turn right to see the inside, so no wind could reach the part where he slept. He was the best pet ever, and he acted like a dog sometimes, and he would run up to me when I went out to feed him and would lick my face and purr real loud, and he would dig holes and prance around the yard. And occasionally he would crawl under the hole in the fence and explore, but always came back before dark. But one day I came home from school to play with him, and he wasn’t there. I thought he was just exploring like he did, but the next day he still hadn’t returned. My momma said he’d be back, but he never did. Before I knew it, my family had to move to El Paso, and he wasn’t with us. Luckily, I had another rescued cat named daisy, and my best friend Jacob and I had found, but it wasn’t the same. I still have nightmares about Mittens finding his way back to my house, and we’re not there. I cry for him to come back every time I hear this stupid song, and I pray for him to come back to me every night, even though it’s been 5 years. So that’s my story. Love you Mittens. Please come back.
Omgosh I just read that and it just made me SO SAD. I cannot express in words how devastated I would be and worried, it would’ve ruined my life. I’m not even a cat fan, but any sad story about an animal can bring me to tears in 10 seconds. I am DEEPLY AND SINCERELY sorry for you.
I haven’t lost my dogs yet. But I know if I lost them or they ran away. I would just die. Because I love them so much. I can’t live without them. And then I hear stories about ur pet dying and every story I burst into tears. I always wished they will never die but I know they will at some point.
That’s so sad! I’m so sorry
Omg I didnt read this til after I already commented on another story above of another person relating to this song over a pet. Please read it, my words are for you too!
He was a Great Dane cross between a boxer
I am so very sorry for your lost if it was my dog i wouldn’t have bee able to live i know that my dogs time will come and it just breaks my heart i will treat my dog like a queen until that day
:} <3
He was a Great Dane cross between a boxer
I am so very sorry for your lost if it was my dog i wouldn’t have bee able to live i know that my dogs time will come and it just breaks my heart i will treat my dog like a queen until that day
:} <3
For me this song makes me think of my dad. For years I tried to get him to stop drinking and I stood by him for such a long time that it got to the point where I was all he had left. He meant the world to me and I would have followed him to the end of the earth to keep him safe, but I was so young and still am and it got too much for me, and I just wanted him to tell me it would be okay and that he would stop drinking but he never did and I couldn’t reach him like I used to, and in the end I had to give up. I tried and tried but I had to swallow my pride and let go. I loved him more than anything but I had to say goodbye and leave him for the last time as his violence got worse every time he drunk. That was when I was 11. I’m 16 now and I still think about him and wonder how he is, but I’ll never go back to how it used to be. (The reference to the lyrics were easier than putting how it related ever sentence)
Life is such a learning experience. You’ve come such a long way. Keep your head up and just pray.
Didn’t mean to sound all poet like…
For me this song makes me think of my dad. For years I tried to get him to stop drinking and I stood by him for such a long time that it got to the point where I was all he had left. He meant the world to me and I would have followed him to the end of the earth to keep him safe, but I was so young and still am and it got too much for me, and I just wanted him to tell me it would be okay and that he would stop drinking but he never did and I couldn’t reach him like I used to, and in the end I had to give up. I tried and tried but I had to swallow my pride and let go. I loved him more than anything but I had to say goodbye and leave him for the last time as his violence got worse every time he drunk. That was when I was 11. I’m 16 now and I still think about him and wonder how he is, but I’ll never go back to how it used to be. (The reference to the lyrics were easier than putting how it related ever sentence)
Life is such a learning experience. You’ve come such a long way. Keep your head up and just pray.
Didn’t mean to sound all poet like…
For me this song is related to my Dad’s suicide on May 9, 2014. The first line is my Dad speaking to me. Wanting me to say something and I didn’t, he gave up on me and killed himself. I’M SORRY THAT I COULDN’T GET TO YOU speaks for itself, I’m sorry I couldn’t save him. I am in a Suicide Survivor’s Group. I will forever remember him by this song. YOUR THE ONE THAT I LOVE AND I’M SAYING GOODBYE. RIP DAD.
I went through the same thing 4 months before you. We had got in a fight, he had bipolar depression and was struggling with it for months. My brother and I wanted to help him but we couldn’t handle the situation anymore so we went back to our mom’s and the next day he killed himself. I’m really sorry that you had to go through this too. It really is the worse pain.
I am a bipolar and this song for a person like me is the synopsis of a whole life.
I heard this song two days ago and was in awe; the song so completely resonated with me and my now 2 month breakup with my fiancee. I was unaware of him wanting to end our relationship and life together. He was my love; my priority. Healing has been a difficult journey, to say the least, but I am hoping to allow myself time to grieve, time to heal, time to learn to love and appreciate the person I am. At the age of 49, I know one is never too old to have a broken heart from love.
Allie and Jarrett, our stories are so similar. My former BF of 8 yrs left our home 7 mos ago, leaving me and my 11 yr old daughter completely stunned by the decision. He says this song perfectly described his emotions, his perspective during the time he was thinking of ending our relationship. I’m learning to move forward healing, mourning lost love, and “stumbling” on my own. I hope that you can too
I heard this song two days ago and was in awe; the song so completely resonated with me and my now 2 month breakup with my fiancee. I was unaware of him wanting to end our relationship and life together. He was my love; my priority. Healing has been a difficult journey, to say the least, but I am hoping to allow myself time to grieve, time to heal, time to learn to love and appreciate the person I am. At the age of 49, I know one is never too old to have a broken heart from love.
Allie and Jarrett, our stories are so similar. My former BF of 8 yrs left our home 7 mos ago, leaving me and my 11 yr old daughter completely stunned by the decision. He says this song perfectly described his emotions, his perspective during the time he was thinking of ending our relationship. I’m learning to move forward healing, mourning lost love, and “stumbling” on my own. I hope that you can too
This Song Speaks Directly To My Heart long Story Short, I Suffered A Massive Stroke In 2010. One Year Later My Husband Of 20+ Years, Left Me, Alone And Broken.Not Broken, Just bent. This SoNg Is Me Letting Go After Two Years.
GoIs Me Letting go
This Song Speaks Directly To My Heart long Story Short, I Suffered A Massive Stroke In 2010. One Year Later My Husband Of 20+ Years, Left Me, Alone And Broken.Not Broken, Just bent. This SoNg Is Me Letting Go After Two Years.
GoIs Me Letting go
This song makes me think of my wife who has seperated herself from me over a mistake I made! Every day it gets harder and harder without her because I truly love her with all my heart and she took my son in like her own, and he now suffers from her loss! But every day i want my family back so bad! And just can’t get past the fact that she’s my sole mate!!!!
This song makes me think of my wife who has seperated herself from me over a mistake I made! Every day it gets harder and harder without her because I truly love her with all my heart and she took my son in like her own, and he now suffers from her loss! But every day i want my family back so bad! And just can’t get past the fact that she’s my sole mate!!!!
This song relates on how you offered unconditional love. Also “say something I’m giving up on you” simply asking for him/her the reason to let go in the relationship.
I totally decide today to broke up with m so tired bout my relationship w my boyfriend I always d one who understand him and ask him always he never answer my question but he did say he loves me and miss me … Badly I duno what going on with him he never msg me often that he promise me that he always sen some msg. Now where’s the hell he is…
I totally decide today to broke up with m so tired bout my relationship w my boyfriend I always d one who understand him and ask him always he never answer my question but he did say he loves me and miss me … Badly I duno what going on with him he never msg me often that he promise me that he always sen some msg. Now where’s the hell he is…
This song makes me tear up every time I hear it. My wife and I were together for 12 years and married for 5 of them. We have a beautiful daughter together and then one day she decided she did not want to do it anymore and gave up. This song makes me so sad because it’s more about just breaking up. It’s about how we spent so many years building a life together, bringing a child into this world, all the while I was so happy that I was lucky enough to grow old with the woman I loved, only to find out that the she managed to crush me in a way that shook me to my soul.
If you’ve ever been a spectator in your own life watching everything around you crumble to pieces, you know exactly what I mean.
This song makes me tear up every time I hear it. My wife and I were together for 12 years and married for 5 of them. We have a beautiful daughter together and then one day she decided she did not want to do it anymore and gave up. This song makes me so sad because it’s more about just breaking up. It’s about how we spent so many years building a life together, bringing a child into this world, all the while I was so happy that I was lucky enough to grow old with the woman I loved, only to find out that the she managed to crush me in a way that shook me to my soul.
If you’ve ever been a spectator in your own life watching everything around you crumble to pieces, you know exactly what I mean.
This song has touched my very heart. It reminds me of the so many times that I’ve tried to get through my husband by tried to voice on how I feel, but he in turn never responds as if he is truely concerned for me =( just so very sad to say the only response I get is, “@*#^ing bitch. My heart is just broke. I am so tired of when I need him, he kicks me harder when I’m down. I am never held for just comforting..God, I do not remember the last time. I have tried and tried but just giving up.
Lisa sweetie, I know how you feel. You do not deserve to be treated this way. If he is then it is called emotional abuse. You need to end it, get out, fine yourself again, take care of YOU, your worth more than you know, and I just gave myself the same advise. I too am treated like this, I’ve had 7 kids with this guy and he will never value me or give me an ounce of respect, it’s been 42 years of hell, but I stayed out of fear, and out of shame, and because I loved him and would have followed him to the ends of the earth Heaven know how hard I have tried and you too. Heaven will bless us for our true efforts. God loves you Lisa turn to him. I’m going to copy these lyrics and the explanations of them and give them to him tonight and then tell him I’m thru with this nonsense, I’ve been a fool for way too long. Good luck sweetie I’ll be praying for you.
Wow Jodi!! Did you do it a year ago?! Did you realize you posted on 11:11pm? Lucky;)
This song took and takes me back to when my 6 year old found his mom dead of alcohol poisening ,,and now at 14 he lost his grandmother ,,,it’s my son who told me what this song means to him ,,,I listen to it from time to time and tell him I am proud of the man he is becoming ,,his goals and dreams surpass his age ,and remind him that as his father I will be here forever and a day ,,I love you Sean Rodriguez ,your dad
This song took and takes me back to when my 6 year old found his mom dead of alcohol poisening ,,and now at 14 he lost his grandmother ,,,it’s my son who told me what this song means to him ,,,I listen to it from time to time and tell him I am proud of the man he is becoming ,,his goals and dreams surpass his age ,and remind him that as his father I will be here forever and a day ,,I love you Sean Rodriguez ,your dad
tbh ;to me,since I lost my father in 2013 , to suicide ,that’s what I think it’s about “say something,I’m giving up on you” aka, a girl/guy texting someone who had told them about the suicide attempt ,but didn’t think much of it. “anywhere , I would have followed you” meaning if that person had took more to the depression that the person who was commuting suicide ,they would have followed them ,to make sure that they didn’t commit suicide. “your the one that I love ,now I’m saying goodbye” this line says that the person went through with the attempt ,and passed away. and the the person they told it to ,now has to say goodbye ,for forever. so yeahh. R.I.P. Donnie (dad) 1974-2013
This song brings to light my past two years of loneliness and heart break. Finding love and bring broken . Ending things because of cancer. My best friend couldn’t handle my prognosis.
This song brings to light my past two years of loneliness and heart break. Finding love and bring broken . Ending things because of cancer. My best friend couldn’t handle my prognosis.
this song always bring back memories anytime I listen to it.
this song always bring back memories anytime I listen to it.
To me this son resonates so deeply in me because it’s like she is saying that she couldn’t save him …maybe from himself, addiction or something huge. She would have gone to the end of the earth for him and with him but something has taken hold of him and won’t let go. When she says goodbye, it’s like it’s her coming to the sad realization that she can’t fight whatever the obstacle is and she is letting go. Sometimes letting go isn’t giving up , but realizing that your opponent is has a greater power.
To me this son resonates so deeply in me because it’s like she is saying that she couldn’t save him …maybe from himself, addiction or something huge. She would have gone to the end of the earth for him and with him but something has taken hold of him and won’t let go. When she says goodbye, it’s like it’s her coming to the sad realization that she can’t fight whatever the obstacle is and she is letting go. Sometimes letting go isn’t giving up , but realizing that your opponent is has a greater power.
I totally relate to the song. I have been with my husband for 32 yrs. We have had ups and downs. I loved him so much, he was my world. We had kids. 12 yrs ago, I was lonely due to his heavy drinking. I begged him to slow down. He was self absorbed. I turned to someone else. Something I vowed I’d never do. It was only one day. One day that I would go back and change. Days later he confessed for things he did, who he did when we were together. He had my heart from day one. He claims his escapades didn’t count since we weren’t married at the time. Just last night, an old friend stopped by. Afterwards, my husband accused me of having children with our friend. He says that my children look too similar to our friend. That totally hurt. My kids are 20 yrs old. His drinking is getting out of hand again. I heard this song this morning while driving to the store. I broke down. If he only knew how much I sacrificed for him. Gave up on my dreams for him. Put him on this pedestal. He says he forgave me. But his drinking brings up emotions and hatred and I get the brunt of it everytime. The next day he acts if nothing happened. I hate to say it but the love I had for him isn’t there anymore. I can’t remember the last time I had warm and fuzzies. I thought it would get better after the kids were raised. But I was wrong. Say something. … I’m giving up on you.
I totally relate to the song. I have been with my husband for 32 yrs. We have had ups and downs. I loved him so much, he was my world. We had kids. 12 yrs ago, I was lonely due to his heavy drinking. I begged him to slow down. He was self absorbed. I turned to someone else. Something I vowed I’d never do. It was only one day. One day that I would go back and change. Days later he confessed for things he did, who he did when we were together. He had my heart from day one. He claims his escapades didn’t count since we weren’t married at the time. Just last night, an old friend stopped by. Afterwards, my husband accused me of having children with our friend. He says that my children look too similar to our friend. That totally hurt. My kids are 20 yrs old. His drinking is getting out of hand again. I heard this song this morning while driving to the store. I broke down. If he only knew how much I sacrificed for him. Gave up on my dreams for him. Put him on this pedestal. He says he forgave me. But his drinking brings up emotions and hatred and I get the brunt of it everytime. The next day he acts if nothing happened. I hate to say it but the love I had for him isn’t there anymore. I can’t remember the last time I had warm and fuzzies. I thought it would get better after the kids were raised. But I was wrong. Say something. … I’m giving up on you.
This song always seems to bring tears to my eyes. It reminds me of my best friend of 12 yrs. We dated a couple of times over the years. Granted it never worked out for us romantically, there friendship has always been there. We both agree that we are great together and would be happy for the rest of our lives together, but due to some circumstances, we can’t be together. Maybe one day, he will get his life together.
This song is about someone to have truly committed, in a way never committed before, to a Girl that he was in love with.
He was ready for her but she on the other side was still learning to love. Her Soul was not ready and she could not express what she wanted and how she felt.
The guy knew that they could have been perfect together but the Girl did not reach a Level (not of maturity or something else) of spirituality that would allow her to accept to meet the guy’s true love for her.
The guy after several attempts is breaking up….but consciously still Looks for her to come back, to tell him that she cannot live without him, that he is the one…simply to make him feel the way he felt.
So he is giving up on her…but on the same time, he is craving for her to come back to him and tell him that she loves him the way he loves her…so he summons her to say something, coz otherwise he will give definietly up on her.
Then the guy Imagines what the Girl should say to him “and I….Im Feeling so small, it was over my head …etc…he Looks for her to admit that she is still learning to love, to open up and that she will from now on understand what true love is”
But then again, the guy sees she is not doing that and says again “sorry i couldnt get to you” means that im sorry i have never been able to enter your own emotions and make you Change…he wanted to Change the Person, to have her become a better Person and someone to feel her emotions better…but he never succeeded…
than the guy says again….why are you not coming back to me…I am not giving up on you because I dont love you, but just because you are not willing to love and to be with me the way I want you tooo…
And then the guy Imagines that the Girl would come and be like ” i will swallow my pride” and tell him “you are the one that i love” but he know she never will so he says “and im saying goodbye” for good now.
This song is about someone to have truly committed, in a way never committed before, to a Girl that he was in love with.
He was ready for her but she on the other side was still learning to love. Her Soul was not ready and she could not express what she wanted and how she felt.
The guy knew that they could have been perfect together but the Girl did not reach a Level (not of maturity or something else) of spirituality that would allow her to accept to meet the guy’s true love for her.
The guy after several attempts is breaking up….but consciously still Looks for her to come back, to tell him that she cannot live without him, that he is the one…simply to make him feel the way he felt.
So he is giving up on her…but on the same time, he is craving for her to come back to him and tell him that she loves him the way he loves her…so he summons her to say something, coz otherwise he will give definietly up on her.
Then the guy Imagines what the Girl should say to him “and I….Im Feeling so small, it was over my head …etc…he Looks for her to admit that she is still learning to love, to open up and that she will from now on understand what true love is”
But then again, the guy sees she is not doing that and says again “sorry i couldnt get to you” means that im sorry i have never been able to enter your own emotions and make you Change…he wanted to Change the Person, to have her become a better Person and someone to feel her emotions better…but he never succeeded…
than the guy says again….why are you not coming back to me…I am not giving up on you because I dont love you, but just because you are not willing to love and to be with me the way I want you tooo…
And then the guy Imagines that the Girl would come and be like ” i will swallow my pride” and tell him “you are the one that i love” but he know she never will so he says “and im saying goodbye” for good now.
I think you nailed it.
Well i relate to dis song in so many ways had ma bf walked out on me for no reason lost someone who was abt helping me get a job 2 months to e interview, believed sumone else n he has totally failed me……i went to work wif him n he made me feel like a,useless hopeless person everyday e funny tin is i honestly cared n believed God brot him along to replace e one i lost earlier. …… was wishful thinking n i was hoping so much to be loved i jxt concluded he cared wen obviously he didn’t. …..feeling suicidal ope God helps me tru
Well i relate to dis song in so many ways had ma bf walked out on me for no reason lost someone who was abt helping me get a job 2 months to e interview, believed sumone else n he has totally failed me……i went to work wif him n he made me feel like a,useless hopeless person everyday e funny tin is i honestly cared n believed God brot him along to replace e one i lost earlier. …… was wishful thinking n i was hoping so much to be loved i jxt concluded he cared wen obviously he didn’t. …..feeling suicidal ope God helps me tru
This was my mom’s favorite song she was my best friend an I found my self having to so to say goodbye a hole lot sooner than anyone expected she spent years touching peoples life an she was the most kindest person on this earth an I find my self not knowing how to move one with out her an almost every word is true in this song when it comes to her an my life an how I feel everyday in every way I miss her so on a daily but I have had to find a away to crawl an away to face the world with out my best friend an mom such a beautiful song thank you
This was my mom’s favorite song she was my best friend an I found my self having to so to say goodbye a hole lot sooner than anyone expected she spent years touching peoples life an she was the most kindest person on this earth an I find my self not knowing how to move one with out her an almost every word is true in this song when it comes to her an my life an how I feel everyday in every way I miss her so on a daily but I have had to find a away to crawl an away to face the world with out my best friend an mom such a beautiful song thank you
Feeling so small is significant of the vulnerablity one feels when the love is unrequited. Truely the most difficult thing to go through. Knocks you down so you can’t walk, learning to crawl. Yet you would give anything to be with them. Hard gift to receive. You give up because as long as they are happy that is all that counts so you swallow your pride and release the one true thing that matters to you because there is nothing else you can do…it is unrequited.
One year ago today my grandfather turned 90, one year ago today my grandfather went into 24 Hospice care. The last time I drove to his retirement home to see him this song was playing. It has also played at other devastating times in my life. For this reason I’ve stopped listening to it. The second I hear the first few chords, I yank the earbuds out, flip the radio station, or throw my phone out of necessity to end the song as quickly as possible. In public places I leave the room or cover my ears. Until this ‘anniversary’, I had yet to listen to the song since his death. In addition to its meaning and memories I have associated wit the song, the sad lyrics and tune made it an even more depressing song, but upon allowing myself to take a bit of time to grieve today, I listened to it while looking through old pictures of him. I watched the music video for the first time ever and saw the old man losing his wife, and the song struck an even deeper chord. I now love it and its meaning for the understanding I have, but after tonight, I will go another year with out it.
One year ago today my grandfather turned 90, one year ago today my grandfather went into 24 Hospice care. The last time I drove to his retirement home to see him this song was playing. It has also played at other devastating times in my life. For this reason I’ve stopped listening to it. The second I hear the first few chords, I yank the earbuds out, flip the radio station, or throw my phone out of necessity to end the song as quickly as possible. In public places I leave the room or cover my ears. Until this ‘anniversary’, I had yet to listen to the song since his death. In addition to its meaning and memories I have associated wit the song, the sad lyrics and tune made it an even more depressing song, but upon allowing myself to take a bit of time to grieve today, I listened to it while looking through old pictures of him. I watched the music video for the first time ever and saw the old man losing his wife, and the song struck an even deeper chord. I now love it and its meaning for the understanding I have, but after tonight, I will go another year with out it.
To me, this sums up how I now see that I have been flogging a dead horse with my 3 year relationship with her. I didn’t offer unconditional love, but maybe close to it. Pretending things would turn out ok in the end, that attitudes might change, that she might grow towards me. But no, entrenched life experiences have seemingly rendered her incapable of change. And that leaves me so unhappy. I know at the end of the day it is my responsibility to make myself happy but even so you do expect your partner to help. I am happy to have made the decision to break up and this song just about sums up my/our failure – in a beautiful way that brings me to tears.
To me, this sums up how I now see that I have been flogging a dead horse with my 3 year relationship with her. I didn’t offer unconditional love, but maybe close to it. Pretending things would turn out ok in the end, that attitudes might change, that she might grow towards me. But no, entrenched life experiences have seemingly rendered her incapable of change. And that leaves me so unhappy. I know at the end of the day it is my responsibility to make myself happy but even so you do expect your partner to help. I am happy to have made the decision to break up and this song just about sums up my/our failure – in a beautiful way that brings me to tears.
It speaks to me as the last words ever spoken to a person. Whether its a lover or a parent or a friend. It’s just the sad end. I’ve tried and tried and tried and tried. And now i”m just giving up.
It speaks to me as the last words ever spoken to a person. Whether its a lover or a parent or a friend. It’s just the sad end. I’ve tried and tried and tried and tried. And now i”m just giving up.
I fell in love with someone I met when she was already engaged, and married the guy shortly after we met. At the time, we felt something between us but didn’t comment on it (I was dating her best friend at the time).
Now I am no longer with her best friend, but she and I are still friends. Even though we haven’t explicitly discussed our feelings, she has reciprocated and even initiated minor flirting and told me she doesn’t know what she would do without me in her life. I truly believe that she is my soulmate, and she has said she regrets marrying her husband and wants to be with me. However, I would never pursue it because I respect her marriage. But, exploring my feelings for her has shown me how to treat the woman I do choose to marry, when I find her, and has given me a benchmark for knowing that I’ve found “the one.”
This song perfectly describes my feelings for her, at least as far as a romantic relationship goes.
there will only one man that has my heart,when you Finley realize that it’s to late..but you both know that ….but it’s too late your both are with someone else….that brakes my heart babe♡♡♡
there will only one man that has my heart,when you Finley realize that it’s to late..but you both know that ….but it’s too late your both are with someone else….that brakes my heart babe♡♡♡
hearing this song immediately took me to a man I loved years ago….we drifted apart…but always loved each other – he called me a few weeks after I was engaged to my husband asking of it was true….then the night gefore I was married…he called begging me to not go thru with it…although he was in a relationship and had two children….I married my husband but I still received calls from this guy for years asking me if I was happy and to come back to him….he was with his significant other…had many numerous other relationsips but always told me that he was never the same after we parted….he committed suicide 4 years ago….and called me hours before slitting his own throat…I never got the call though..I think of him each time I hear this song….although I love my husband of 22 years and the two children we have together and our life…..This guy who died way to young will always have a piece of my heart….and I will always feel some how to blame for his death….
Dear Thomas:
I know I’m a couple years late, but wanted to say thanks for posting your in depth interpretation of one of my favorite songs that I still hear and stop in my tracks. I appreciated that you took the time to share it with us and I really liked it. Thanks! Matt
Versatile really does describe this song. I do not have a tv and I rarely listen to the radio- I just heard this song for the first time today. It hit me like a punch bc it summed exactly how I feel about THREE different people. My lover, my almost ex and my daughter.
My lover- just someone who has been keeping me company when things have gotten really bad the past 3 years (see below for further explanation). I only see him once or twice a month. But the last 2 times I needed him he didn’t come over. I’m too sensitive, too raw and too damaged right now to endure that and he knows it. I won’t ask him a 3rd time, and I haven’t heard from him in a month.
My daughter- she lives on the other side of the country and shes getting married in 5 weeks. The past 6 weeks she’s opened up to me about a side of him I didn’t know about. Nothing horrible- but she shouldn’t marry him and she knows it. I told her I will support her in anything she does (aka- I don’t care that I dropped $20gs on the wedding. Call it off and come home til you think this thru better). She got angry when I told her something similar to that but much more evasive- she knew what I meant. I worry she’s gonna go thru with it bc she’s stubborn. I’ll NEVER give up on HER for anything, but I have to give up on being so obvious about my support in what she does. I will shut my mouth about the REALITIES and just start cooing over how beautiful the event is.
Finally- my almost ex husband. Who was the greatest guy anyone could meet until something happened and he couldn’t not let it destroy him. There is no going back- our marriage is over. But he opted to go full force attack thru this process. He’s a complicated person w a lot of problems and I feel bad for what happened to him. Every time he did something horrible, I COULD’VE been horrible back but instead asked him to please stop and be civil for our children’s sake. He keeps getting worse, more hurtful, more deplorable and more destructive. He hadn’t said ONE WORD to me in 3 years.
Last week he finally went to far. He put me in a position where I now have to out him on what he’s done and what really happened to everyone he pulled into our problems.
So that “say something im giving up on you” line hits me the most with him. I really believed hw would’ve been able to pull himself together and go thru this divorce as a descent person. But he proved me wrong. I’m giving up on that hope that we can one day even say hi to each other because of the choices HE made. It’s so sad.
I see this song as my final prayer. I used to be a near zealot for God. I would pray desperately for God to show up in our church and validate what the New Testament teaches. I really believed that God spoke to me telling me how to pray.
Then, one day it suddenly collapsed! It became clear that my prayers and my perceptions of what God was saying were all crazy illusions. After months of grieving, I began to plead in prayer, “Was any of that real? Are you there? Who are you really?”
I was essentially praying, “Say something, I’m giving up on you.”
So I went through a horrible break up, and I am still picking up the pieces, she broke up with me so sudden. It was horrible and it crushed me, one second we were together and three days later I was on a bare mattress in a crappy room. I was in a bad place, but a friend told me “as cynical as this sounds, I think everyone needs a heartbreak in their life to figure out who they are and what the truly want.” I think this is the relationship that will be the turning point in my life! I’m a lot better now, but still miss her, and whoever is going through something like this right now, it will get better! I haven’t started dating yet but eventually I will. So don’t give up on dating and give yourself the time you need to heal and be able to spend time with yourself. Because if you aren’t happy alone with yourself, you can’t make someone else happy!
Im going thru a divorse same as you we where happy one day the next i found out a new guy entered her life. I tried to make it work, but didn’t get far. Now im trying to let her go…
This has a couple different meanings to me. It is still to this day one of my all time favorite songs but there isn’t a time that I listen to it that the “water works” don’t kick in to high gear… first, when I had first heard this beautiful melody come through the speakers was when I was being forced to go through at that time, an unwanted divorce. Not that I wasn’t already devistated enough, knowing I was loosing one of the only two men that I have ever lover in my entire life and I had absolutely no choice, no say in the matter. 17 years of my life completely wasted, gone, and now meaningless to him, yet so raw and very precious to me. Within that same week, of my now new horrific, ended, painful loss. I had lost the only other man that I had ever loved, so deeply, my dad. I was mourning, the loss of the two men that was alway suppose to be there, and what I felt, was 2 major deaths/losses ALL AT ONE TIME! 3rd way I relate to this song is long story short- alot of stuff had surfaced on my ex. He is in every way, litterly text book psychopathic narcissist. Word for word (researched behaviors of narcissistic personalities), and I MEAN WORD FOR WORD, that was the life and the behaviors, criticism, manipulation, lieing, the whole 9 yards that I had been living for the last 17 yrs!!! I was/am under that “spell” so damn bad and never had a clue! I have no idea who I had laid beside for all those yrs. He isn’t at all who I thought, or he betrayed himself to be. He was living, basically, a double life I had no idea about, even the person I thought, I had fallen in love with NEVER really existed in the real world. Our relationship was built on ALL lies from day 1! No I can’t help but feel as if all of those years his family was just sitting back looking at me and laughing at what a damn fool I was. It is taking a very long time to heal and overcome all that has happened and that I have learned I had been through. That’s fell in the real b**** to break but I am working on it I continue to work on it I probably will for a long time to come. Has now been four and a half years since we originally separated and has been two and a half since our divorce and I’m still trying to get over work through all the mental abuse that I have been put through and knowingly being put through at the time of course. Our daughter which was once his best friend, he no longer even Associates with I guess that’s the nurse assistant him in the drug user and the booty chaser. It just really sucks because you don’t pay your child support he doesn’t do anything though it is court-ordered Harley-Davidson. But apparently even has a roof over her head or clothes on her back to go to school or food on the table. Absolutely sucks because you know I’m limited because I am now on disability and he don’t give a rat’s ass and not even about our daughter. Absolutely hurts my heart for her. I can say we are both standing here, together, strong. And we are BOTH now giving up on u!!! (The ex)
I hear it as a song for a break up do to cheating. I’m going through it now and that’s what I relate this song to. I think the verse “Say something, I’m giving up on you.” is the break up.”I’ll be the one if you want me to.” That verse is the one calling it off and offering to get the conversation started. “Anywhere, I would have followed you” is telling the other how much they loved them. “And I, I’m feeling so small. It was over my head. I know nothing at all” justifies how bad the reason for the break up is such as cheating. “And I, will stumbled and fall. I’m still learning to love, just starting to crawl” That verse to me sounds like the confession of heartbreak. It was their first true love relationship and how hard it will be to move on from it. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t get to you” This verse is, the one that got cheated, apologizing for not being good enough and not being there before they cheated. “And I, will swallow my pride. You’re the one that I love, and I’m saying goodbye” In this verse I hear the one that got cheated telling the cheater that you have found something better than me, even though I love you, I will let you go. I’m saying goodbye.
I always felt like the song was about living with someone in deep depression or with a uncontrolled mental illness where they are not talking to you & in their own isolated world, and you can’t get through to them, like their body is there but their mind has gone and they no longer see you. You are at the end of the relationship begging them to say something, or your giving up on them(leaving), reflecting on the way it could of been.
Susie, now this explanation you give Actually makes sense! I’ve always wondered why the incomplete message in the song, but hearing your thoughts on it gives me something meaningful to put to these lyrics. I won’t be asking Alexa to skip the song now that it can no longer irritate me. Thanks.
I learned this song on piano and played it at my last high school recital in my jr year. My grandma was the only one besides my grandpa to show up. And my grandma raised me so be was basically my mother. A year and a half ago my grandma was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer that spread to her brain. She had 8 brain tumors. This song holds a special place in my heart because of her. This song to me is about losing someone you love to cancer and feeling so much regret in letting her down. Because I was the “good” on out of me and my sister. But I always made it hard for my grandma. Went out drinking and things like that. Never got in trouble but I just wasn’t the best teenager. And my grandma died a month later. Right when my life was starting to look like it was getting better. I wish she could have seen me now. 20 years old own apartment, job. I wish she could have seen my future kids. Future husband. It just sucks
Re: “his wife which is laying in bed”
Should be: “his wife, who is lying in bed”
A person is a “who.”
If you say she is “laying,” what is she laying? An egg?
You are incorrect. It is laying down, not lying down. Lying implies a lie!
I just heard this song by a young lady on the current America’s Got Talent, and it brought back the memory of when I saw the original video. It goes without saying it is a beautiful number, and as Christina said, it can mean many things to many people, but I saw it shortly after losing my wife of 49 years, so the elderly couple in the video really hit home. I will always cry whenever I see the video or hear the song. Thank you Christina for touching my soul.
My Husband sent me this song for my Birthday; he confused me because we have been separated for 2 years and he’s never wanted to talk about the reason why we separated. I had to make the desicion of separating from him, because his sexual preferences had changed. He hurt me so so bad that I always write to him telling him how he ripped my heart into pieces… but also tell him that we will never be back together. I also tell him that he’s in denial because he doesn’t accept himself with his preferences… I just feel that he sent me this song because he wanted to make sure that I knew he will never get back with me, ever! And to justify his sexuality. Not because he feels deeply sorrow for our breakup… After 2 years I see more clear and I’ve realized that when his hands would caress me, they were lying; that when he would make love to me, he did it to shut my mouth.
We were together for 11 years and separated for 2 years; so a total of 13. We still haven’t divorced, but unfortunately I fell in-love with him in those 11 years of lies!
I think it could be about your wife husband girl or boy friend cometting suicide for reference I,m sorry I couldn’t get to you or I would have followed you or it was over my head, know nothing at all or your the one that I love and i’m Saying goodbye that’s why I think this god bless and stay strong everybody
this is really an interesting analysis or play-by-play. i would challenge the writer’s interpretation about the verse saying i will swallow my pride and it’s loss of versatility. the writer must not have yet experienced deep loss. it is quite humbling to feel so powerless when the love of your life slips away
so while swallowing your pride can refer to ego, it also can mean that you are humbling yourself to something much greater and not in your power
the comments are so much funnier than the arical also the ice pack may work for you all you all need healinh