Taylor Swift’s new song, “You Need to Calm Down” has a lot to do with LGBT rights and people.
Which isn’t surprising considering there has been a lot of talk about T-Swift and Karlie Kloss having a secret relationship.
Although she hasn’t come out, and nothing is for certain, she drops a lot of hints in the official music video for “You Need to Calm Down”.
One being just a simple hair style and color, along with many lyrics. You can find the lyrics and their meanings below…
“You are somebody that I don’t know
But you’re takin’ shots at me like it’s Patrón
And I’m just like, damn, it’s 7 AM“
T-Swift is like, “I don’t even know you and you’re attacking me. To top it off, it’s only 7am, get a life I haven’t even got up and started my day yet.”
“Say it in the street, that’s a knock-out
But you say it in a Tweet, that’s a cop-out
And I’m just like, “Hey, are you okay?”
If you can say it to her face, then props to you for being somewhat of an adult. But tweeting it is just ridiculous, T-Swift doesn’t have time for that and she doesn’t pay much mind to little petty tweets. Like are you all right that you had to tweet that, did it make you feel better?
“And I ain’t tryna mess with your self-expression
But I’ve learned a lesson that stressin’ and obsessin’ ’bout somebody else is no fun
And snakes and stones never broke my bones“
Do whatever you need to sleep at night and feel better about yourself, but I’m not about to be stressed or obsess about what you’re doing or saying, because that’s no way to live. But you, do you. Shady people (snakes) and stones never broke her bones. A spin off of the little kid saying “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.
The snake part could also be referring to how Kim Kardashian tweeted T-Swift with a bunch of snake emoji’s in 2016
“So oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down, you’re being too loud
And I’m just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
You need to just stop
Like can you just not step on my gown?
You need to calm down“
This is pretty self explanatory, you need to take a deep breath and calm down, because your tweets make you look desperate to get your point across. Just stop, your making yourself look bad, and your attempt to make me look bad (step on my gown) is not working, so calm yourself it’s a losing battle.
“You are somebody that we don’t know
But you’re comin’ at my friends like a missile
Why are you mad?
When you could be GLAAD? (You could be GLAAD)“
This is about Taylor Swift and her friends who support LGBTQ or are a part of it. There are always people judging others for no reason. “Why are you mad?” What they are doing should not affect you, leave them alone and live your best life, that’s what they’re doing. GLAAD stands for “Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation” and T-Swift has been super open about her support!
“Sunshine on the street at the parade
But you would rather be in the dark age
Just makin’ that sign must’ve taken all night“
Here she is clearly talking about pride parades, and how bright and wonderful they really are. But instead of enjoying them and life in general, people would rather boycott gay rights and throw a fit about it. She kind of mocks them on their sign by saying it must have taken all night, when literally there was no need for it, because no one cares.
“You just need to take several seats and then try to restore the peace
And control your urges to scream about all the people you hate
‘Cause shade never made anybody less gay“
Everyone just needs to sit down and realize that giving gay people a hard time, is not going to change anything. You can hurt their feelings all you want, but they’re still going to be gay and still going to love who they love. Shouting at them or hating them is going to get you no where. So let them be, and let them do what they’re doing without sticking your nose into their business!
“So oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down, you’re being too loud
And I’m just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
You need to just stop
Like can you just not step on his gown?
You need to calm down”
This is the same as above, except it now says his gown, meaning leave him be, let him marry who he wants to marry. Stop trying to hurt/control people that you don’t even know.
“And we see you over there on the internet
Comparing all the girls who are killing it
But we figured you out
We all know now we all got crowns
You need to calm down“
No matter what you do, there will always be someone on social media or the internet comparing or judging other people (gay, straight, bi, etc.) or voicing their “useless” opinion. But T-Swift says “But we figured you out” meaning now we all know you’re never going to be happy or leave us be, so we’re realizing we all have crowns, because we aren’t judging one another like you are, we’ve rose above that and are happy, and know that we are all equally important.
“Oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh
You need to calm down (you need to calm down)
You’re being too loud (you’re being too loud)
And I’m just like oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh, oh-oh (oh)
You need to just stop (can you stop?)
Like can you just not step on our gowns?
You need to calm down”
Now it’s “our gowns” meaning leave everyone who is not you alone, and stop trying to bring everyone else down. Worry about yourself.
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